What is Depression?

What is Depression?
Have you ever been depressed before? Do you know what it's like to be depressed? Well, to tell you the truth, I was depressed once before and it's something that I hope no one would have to go through during their lives. I was just a teenager when I went through these harsh times and just by thinking of it makes me anxious. I was depressed for a week and a week back then seemed like a year. The reason for this was because time went by so slow. Time passed slowly because I was awake most of the times. A person going through a depression would be suffering from severe insomnia.

It is very difficult to treat depression. If a person is suffering from a depression, it is very important not to leave him or her alone. The reason for this is because; we will never know what the person is thinking of doing. We must always be close to him or her and we must try hard to talk to them. Talking with the person is very quintessential and just by talking to a depressed person; you would be able to solve mysteries of how he or she became to be like this. A depressed person would have a low self-esteem. It is very important not to criticize the person. Instead, you should try hard to compliment him and comfort him in any ways you can so that you could life up his or her self-esteem.

We must watch out for depression. Don't be too stressed out at work or by friends. Just have an easy mind because once you start to have a stressful day, it can always lead to a depression. You should also have a healthy diet as well and always be optimistic. Smiling everyday is a key factor in avoiding depression!
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