Sudden Depression
Depression Can Come on Suddenly for Some Individuals

Depression is something that can happen to anyone, anytime and anywhere. It is a mental disorder where the person experiencing it would be in a very low mood and would experience signs of loss of interest and pleasure in the things he or she used to find joy in. It is a very daunting mental disorder and one of the consequence of it could tragically be the taking one's own life. It is very difficult to say what really causes depression but after experiencing it for myself before, I would have to say that it's is compounded by stress. Stress from work, stress from friends and stress from the things around you can all be factors that lead to increasing depression.

When I was depressed, I closed the doors that lead to the world. I avoided everyone, even my family members, and I would just stay locked up inside my room. I preferred darkness to light and I would just stay awake all night doing nothing because I was suffering from severe insomnia. Yes! If you are a depressed person, you may not even be able to sleep. You may find yourself unable to sleep because of all the different concerns and worries that can go through your mind. Even colors can seem dull when you are depressed.

Depression can be a very scary mental disorder. It can be very hard to treat this type of disorder because the person with it can have very low self-esteem and may feel less likely to share their true feelings and symptoms. Ways to cure it would be to go and talk to the person experiencing it and be a good listener. When he or she shares all of her worries and problems, it's a good sign because the person is confessing honestly to you. Once the person shares their feelings about their worries, you should try to fill their emptiness with words of hope and wisdom. Empathy with the person suffering from depression is a very crucial step in the treatment of depression!

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