Social Anxiety Can Strike Without Warning
I am pretty sure that all of you have went out with friends before to have a drink or two or even for just a meal. I do this quite often and it's really a great experience. I love catching up with friends and I enjoy meeting new people who my friends introduce to me. However, one time when I was out with my friends, I experienced social anxiety. I never had experienced this before in my life so when I was suddenly attacked by social anxiety, I had no idea what I had to do.

Social anxiety is a situation when you suddenly fear, feel discomfort and worry about the people or group of people around you. It is just like having a nervous breakdown. When I was attacked, I was so shy and I wasn't able to speak at all because I was afraid of the people around me. My hands started to shake and my whole body started to shiver as if though I was lightly dressed in the Arctic. I tried my best to calm down because one of my friends realized that I was going through this disorder. It was a difficult task to calm myself down. One of my friends came to me and asked if I was alright. I said no. He took me home at the very moment.

We all must learn to overcome social anxiety. The best way is to have a high self-esteem and we must always believe in ourselves. We must always be optimistic about everything and we must always think to ourselves that we are special and unique. We should not let differences put us down because we all are unique in different ways. Always feel good about yourself and when you are with a group of friends, speak up for yourself and never be shy.
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