Signs of Bi-Polar disorder
Do you feel that you have a worse problem than just depression? Is the medicine that you are getting for depression just not working? Are you feeling that you are about to give up hope on the whole thing? Well don't worry because you are not alone, there are many people who are out there wondering the same thing. There are symptoms that you can watch for that may help you realize that you have bi-polar and that your treatment should be different. First off you may not be depressed all the time, but may also have some days that you are extremely happy.

Those happy times will not be like a normal, but you may be more up than normal. A feeling of being elated and wanting to spend money. You will not be making the best decisions that you could make either. Meaning that you may be promiscuous and seek out sexual contact during these elated times. Manic moods can make you feel that you are invincible and can lead to many dangerous undertakings in some case. While the other side of the coin is the opposite of this mood, but much worse.

A depressive mood can be one where you feel worthless and want to die. Nothing in the world will seem right, you may want to sleep all the time, or just not be able to sleep at all. It's a depression but a much worse feeling than that of a normal depression at times. The thing with bi-polar is that you may cycle in between these moods quite often or not very often. Depending on the type of bi-polar that you may have you could be happy one minute and the next ready to end it all. Though you can find help through supplements with bi-polar, you should also seek out a doctor. Remember that suicide is not the answer to your problems.
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