Serenquil – A Natural Anxiety Cure
Worrying is perhaps, the most common feature of the people living in present times. There is a constant rat race to be the best, be at the top. This leads to the feelings of dread and despair being common. Anxiety affects most of us today. And equally big is the number of ways that tell how to treat anxiety, all of which promise cent percent results. A search on natural anxiety treatments yields 20,700,000 results. However, not all of these “anxiety cures” are genuine, effective and safe.

One of the best ways to combat anxiety and still remain hail and hearty in the long run is to go for tried and tested natural anxiety cures. These are essential herbs and being ‘herbal’ in nature, have minimum side effects. There are a range of natural anxiety cures available today.

One of these is Serenquil. It’s a drug that combines some of the best natural anxiety cures known to mankind. The herbs that it contains have been clinically proven to be effective and some of the best herbs for anxiety. They have been proved to provide natural anxiety relief and not some quick fix which synthetic drugs do, thereby harming the body in the long run.

It contains a mixture of passion flower, chamoline flower and valerian root powder, along with other substances like magnesium, choline, niacinamide and a host of vitamins.

Out of these, the first three are herbs for anxiety. Passion flower is a natural anxiety cure that is being for generations in many civilizations. It is used as a cure against insomnia also.

Anxiolytics are the drugs which are used in treating anxiety disorders and chamoline flower is known to be a very strong anxiolytic. Another herb present in serenquil, proven to be effective against anxiety, is the valerian root powder. It soothes the insomnia caused by stress and anxiety.

Serenquil is a medicine that acts very fast, providing relief in a matter of minutes. Soon after taking the drug, its calming effects can be experienced. The ideal dosage is 3 tablets daily. It is a diet supplement, so ideally should be taken with breakfast, lunch and dinner. However, one has to be cautious at various points. Dosage should not be exceeded and pregnant ladies, children below 18 and people with a known medical condition should not take it without consulting a physician. However, these details have not been evaluated by FDA.
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