Is a Friend Suffering from Depression?
Do you have friends around you who are currently going through a depression? Are you worried and concerned for them? Are you not sure in how to help your friend? Being worried and concerned about your depressed friend is helping! The reason for this is because; you are caring for your friend and you are showing your friend that you love and care for him or her. A depressed person would feel as if though they are alone in this world and if they are assured that there is someone caring for him or her, he or she would feel more safe and secured. As a friend, you must constantly talk to your depressed friend. You must try to find out what the problem is and you must do everything in your power to help your friend. If your friend needs something, anything at all, you must get it for them because listening to them is caring for them. We will never know what a depressed person is thinking of doing so it is very important to always be next to the person when you can.
There is really no cure for depression. There are some medicines out there in the world that can help calm down a person but a drug that cures depression fails to exist. The only way to cure it is by human interaction and by showing caring and compassion. For example, talking is one good way of helping a person with depression. We must listen to a person's problems and we must share our past experiences too so that he or she would feel that they are not the only ones with that problem. Moreover, when you see a depressed friend, don't be scared to go to him or her. Try to ask what is wrong and if he or she is willing to talk about it and if they are then pay attention and be a good listener. This is one good way to help a depressed person!