Herbal Anxiety Remedies: A Feasible Solution to the Modern Society
Anxiety is a natural human feeling common to everyone which can be observed at any point of time in the life, whether at school, work or love affair. This can affect the mental and physical well being of an individual. Many people suffer from this disorder, so as a solution; many types of treatments like medical or herbal etc are available. But, nowadays, herbs have become popular prescription drugs for treating the anxiety. The main reason behind gaining popularity of herbal remedies for anxiety is that there are no side-effects as well as does not lead to any addiction.

Herbs for anxiety exhibit potent anti-anxiety effects and some of the herbal remedies have proven effective when properly packaged and solidly backed by clinical research. Valerian is one among them which has proved very effective in relieving herbal anxiety remedy. Standardized Valerian extracts 0.8% acid that works rapidly within a short period of time and can be taken up two or three times a day.

L-theanine, another anxiety herbal remedy derived from Green Tea, has an important role in anti-anxiety effect. It has been reported that it is not addictive. It has been suggested that Passion Flower has also been taken as natural remedy anxiety as it extracts at least 3-4% vitexin. So, the combination of passion flower and valerian extracts will be most effective as herbal anxiety remedies. Lemon blam from mint family reduces anxiety, mood disorders and helps in digestion and commonly used as an extract.

Thus in all, there are many medications prescribed as herbal anxiety remedies, but one should take them after proper consultancy with doctor, as herbal drugs can affect liver. Moreover, the alcohol users, people taking medication and with liver disease should specially consult with the doctor as they can cause serious harm if not used in a proper way. Along with these benefits, herbal remedies can be taken at cheaper cost and easy to grow in the backyard or with the grasses.

The herbal anxiety remedies has been on an extinct because of continuous less usage but it has revived again to take place the medications which have proved to be very side effective. Though, they take time in affecting the body but due to chances of less harm, they are highly prescribed by the practitioners. Thus, if the question is how to treat anxiety then one of the probable and reliable answers will be herbal anxiety remedies.

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