Herbal Anxiety Formula
Serenquil has been clinically engineered to help control anxiety related stress through advanced technology in the areas of neurological, psychological and nutritional research.

Our ingredients consist of only the highest quality, pharmaceutical grade vitamins, aminos, herbal plant extracts, and many other natural components. Assembled in a lab environment by professionals adhering to the highest quality assurance standards to prevent fraud and guarantee strength and purity.

The recommended dose of Serenquil is one or two capsules up to three times daily. The proprietary Serenquil formula contains:

Passion Flower
Passion Flower has been a natural anxiety treatment and insomnia cure throughout many civilizations for centuries. Current studies have proven Passiflora as an effective stress controller and mood enhancer.
Chamoline Flower
Chamomile has been shown to be an anxiolytic in certain laboratory test. Anxiolytics are drugs which are used as effective treatments of anxiety disorders. It is well known for it's ability to support sleep also.
Valerian Root Powder
Valerian root powder is derived from an all-natural sedative that is known to soothe and relax. Scientific research provides evidence to the efficacy of Valerian as a benefit for insomnia caused by stress and anxiety. And it is less harsh and addictive then some prescription drugs.
Another anxiolytic ingredient, niacinamine is effective and will not stress the liver or cause flushing.
Magnesium is essential for the proper synthesization of RNA and DNA which is responsible for the structural makeup of cells or the genetic information passed along.
Choline is needed for three main psychological necessities:
acetyl choline synthesis which is a peripheral and central nervous system neurotransmitter, triggering cell membrane roles and structural design, and supporting metabolites

Serenquil contains other ingredients that also promote healthy brain functions such as:
  • Biotin
  • Pantothenic Acid
  • Vitamin B-1
  • Vitamin B-2
  • Vitamin B-6
  • Vitamin B-12
  • Inositol Vitamin C
  • para-Aminobenzoic acid
  • Folic Acid
  • Hops

Don't hesitate to experience all-natural anxiety relief, in a safe nutritional supplement.
One Month Supply