Are you suffering from Bi-Polar Disorder?
It's a problem that is often misdiagnosed because many people who suffer from it will seem depressed. Due to this problem you may be suffering from bi-polar disorder and being treated for depression. Since it is not the right diagnosis you have noticed no change in your symptoms and no help from the medicines that you are taking. There may still be help for you with the use of herbal supplements too. So instead of getting frustrated seek out some of the following ideas to help you with those mood swings that you are having.

Many companies are coming up with made-up supplements that you can buy that are used for bi-polar disorder. With these different choices you will often find a mixture of the following herbs. St. John's Wort Flowers, Damiana Herb, Vanuatu Kava Root, Pulsatilla Herb, and Ginkgo Leaf. When you ask a doctor about herbal supplements many time you will hear the same thing. These products have not be tested enough to know if they really work or not. You can do research on the different ingredients of these items to see what they normally help with to figure out if they may help you.

Never give up a chance to seek out the chance to not have a mood swing, and to actually have a good day. All that can happen is that you may find that the mixture is one that doesn't work for you. Much like the different medicines that a doctor can prescribe that may not help with the condition. So take a chance on a natural way to feel better in life. Also seek out therapy to discuss the problems that you have. A combination of talking and using the right herbal supplements may be the best step that you've even taken in seeking out help!
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