Treatment Of Depression And Anxiety Disorder Using Herbal Lexapro

Anxiety disorder and depression are common health problems affecting many people across the globe. Lots of methods and medications have been suggested for treatment of these two health disorders. Out of the many options available, the use of herbal lexapro is becoming very popular primarily due to its effectiveness. Many people suffering from both anxiety disorder and depression are now looking for help in herbal lexapro treatment method. Besides being very effective, this method is growing in popularity because it is cost-effective and easy to administer.

Depression is marked by various signs such as persistent sadness, abject hopelessness, feelings of pessimism and many more. Although it is commonly associated with adults and old aged people, depression can affect anyone including young children. Lexapro, especially those consisting of Escitalopram can be used to help people suffering from depression disorders. In this case, it is used a major depressive disorder [MDD] for both adults and children.  However, it should only be used by children who are not younger than 12 years. This herbal product is very effective for treatment of depression signs such as hopelessness, persistent sadness, pessimism etc.

To treat depression, the Escitalopram contained in Lexapro act by preventing re-absorption of serotonin. This is a neurotransmitter substance that is known to control appetite, moods, and sleep. Prevention of reuptake ensures that more serotonins are made available to the body. Similarly, herbal lexapro is used for treatment of anxiety disorders. In this case, it is used as a generalized anxiety disorder [GAD] but only in adult. Psychiatrists often use GAD for treatment of patients with uncontrollable or severe anxiety lasting for more than six months. Such patients usually feel on edge and are not able to relax. They also easily get tired, feel irritated have disturbed sleep and muscular tension.

It has also been identified that negative thinking can also lead to GAD accompanied by MDD. This often occurs somewhere between the childhood and the middle age. Negative thinking is usually associated to prolonged suffering. This can happen due to many reasons such as medical conditions, genetic conditions, stressful environment, or certain events in one’s life. It is under these health conditions that anti-depressants such as herbal lexapro become pretty helpful.

There are certain considerations such as past medical history that should be considered before using herbal lexapro for treatment for anxiety disorder and depression. Considerations must be made on the diseases of the heart, liver, and kidney.

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