Handling Stress Anxiety
Today life has become very stressful and hectic. This can create an unbearable anxiety and stress. And it is very essential that you have to carefully look on to the stress anxiety symptoms. But it varies with individuals, a few people notice an incorrect sleep pattern while some people might experience a lack of appetite. Some people might have excessive sweating, dizziness, and palpitations. A compilation of these symptoms can lead to nervous breakdown.

Stress anxiety disorders can be classified into five forms. They are:
  • Panic disorder
  • Generalized anxiety disorder
  • Social phobia
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder

The stress anxiety disorders can be treated with relief therapies or anti-anxiety drugs. You can also try varied methods for handling this stress anxiety disorder.

  1. Breathing Exercises: During the anxiety attacks, the adrenaline increases which causes alteration in the normal physical functions. One such affected function is the breathing function. This is because the heart rate increases and the oxygen circulation gets decreased due to the holding of breathe. So, take deep breathes as the brain would require oxygen.

  2. Gardening: If you are looking for fun ways to manage your stress then gardening is one of the best ways. It is very simple to start with and can be very rewarding. You will have a great breathing opportunity which clears your mind. You can also pick your garden foods and cook them which are healthy too.

  3. Massage therapy: Massage therapy is one of the ways for a great escapism from the regular life. You will have a forced break and thereby allowing your body to relax. A good massage might visibly reduce the calming headaches, reduce the tension, and also increase the serotonin and reduce the stress hormone cortisol. Serotonin is a natural hormone within the human body, and it is commonly called as the mood enhancer. It is also artificially induced in the anti-depressants.

  4. Herbs: Although, there are many medicines in treating stress anxiety disorder, herbs can be the best alternative. One of the herbs is Chamomile. Chamomile tea has calming effects and by drinking a few cups every day, you can keep yourself calm and clear.

  5. Hopping on to the shower: When you encounter stress anxiety disorder, you can jump into the shower. The shower helps you in releasing the knots present in the muscles. They also help in warming up the body.

Thus, by following these tips, you can easily handle stress anxiety.
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